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Modeling Applications in Water Resources Management

This seminar intends to give a brief overview on the significance of fresh water resources and a conceptual understanding  on  the  application  of  models  for  the  solution  of  water-related  real  life  problems  in  civil engineering.

An Introduction to Resource Constrained Multi-Project Scheduling Problem and Solution Methods

Dr. Furkan Uysal

Kalkınma Bakanlığı / Ministry of Development

Probabilistic Evaluation of Seepage through Embankment Dams

The effects of uncertainty of hydraulic conductivity and van Genuchten fitting parameters, α and n, used for unsaturated flow modeling, on transient seepage through embankment dams are investigated. Random variables of the parameters are generated using a number generation algorithm and it is coupled with a finite element software, SEEP/W, which is commonly used for seepage and groundwater flow problems. Stochastic analyses are handled via Monte Carlo simulation.

A Design Methodology for Thick Advanced Composite Structures

Dr. K. Levend Parnas Department of Mechanical Engineering Middle East Technical University Time : 18 February 2015, Wednesday at 10:00 Place : Room 241 Abstract Structures made of thick composites have been attracting a wide interest with an increase in demand for lighter and stronger parts in especially aerospace, wind and automotive industries. While the replacement of thin metal parts with composite counterparts is becoming an aged story, relatively thick parts however emerge as a new challenge. Their design requires the development of new methods and approaches.

Hazardous Waste Management

Ayyüce Aydemir
2 March 2015
10:30 – 11:30
TEDU room A216

TEDU-EAFS Seminar - Heuristic and Exact Approaches for Bi-Objective Routing

“Heuristic and Exact Approaches for Bi-Objective Routing”
Dr. Diclehan Tezcaner Ozturk – Department of Management Science, University of Strathclyde

Date: October 31, 2014, Friday
Time: 10:00
Place: B241

Nonlinear Panel Unit Root Tests

Tolga Omay
Çankaya University

Research/Education Opportunities in Biomedical Engineering


"Research/Education Opportunities in Biomedical Engineering"
Prof. Dr. Murat Eyüboğlu
METU Electrical and Electronics Eng. Dept.

Date: December 16, 2013, Monday
Time: 10:00 
Place: TEDU Dean's Meeting Room

Dr. Topallı awarded with Research Incentive Award by METU Parlar Education and Research Foundation

METU Prof. Dr. Mustafa N. Parlar Education and Research Foundation awards are given each year at the national level in the categories of “Science”, “Service”, “Research Incentive”, and “Technology Incentive”.

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